Jeff Harrison: Welcome to another episode of ‘Living to 120 & Beyond. I’m Jeff Harrison, and I’m here with …
Dr. Chein: Dr. Edmund Chein.
Jeff Harrison: Dr. Chein, in our last episode we talked about atherosclerosis and CVD, which you call …
Dr. Chein: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease.
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Jeff Harrison: Yeah. So we defined what it was, who the incident was most likely to occur with, and then also the causes. Today I want to really get into: What can we do to prevent it?” What are the prevention for the CVD. So take it away. What are some of the things that we can do to prevent that, as just people on the street?
Dr. Chein: Okay. It’s two simple statements in prevention. You cannot prevent what you don’t measure. If you don’t measure, how can you prevent it? How do you know it happened, or it didn’t happen? You must measure. Okay? The second statement is: You have to measure the causes we talked about in our last session. You have to measure: “Did I have those risk factors? Did I have those causes?”
For example, one statement I made earlier in that previous session, I said, “Baby was born with bacteria.” Okay? But not the bad bacteria, it’s the good bacteria. But over the next fifty years, they get the bad bacteria into their gut. If you don’t measure the bad bacteria, how do you know sitting here, without any symptoms that you have bad bacteria? You must measure the presence or absence of bad bacteria over the last fifty years. Otherwise, when you suddenly develop plaques on the fiftieth year, it is not suddenly. It’s suddenly to you because it’s not symptomatic, but it developed over the last fifty years, sir. You ignored it. If you do blood test to detect it, you could have detected it.
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Jeff Harrison: So is this something we can find out if we have this bacteria, good or bad, through blood tests?
Dr. Chein: Yes.
Jeff Harrison: How often should somebody check on something like that?
Dr. Chein: Every two or three years is my recommendation.
Jeff Harrison: Okay. All right. Would that be something, they’d go to the regular doctor or would they come to you?
Dr. Chein: They should mention to their regular doctor. When their regular doctor discard that, whether you already have the disease or you don’t have it, you just want to present, and he says, “No. I don’t think infection has anything to do with CVD,” you fire him. Fire him, just like Donald Trump.
Jeff Harrison: Because we’ve linked it right back to … That’s one of the contributing causes is …
Dr. Chein: Yes.
Jeff Harrison: Okay, so a blood test every two or three years. Starting about what age, would you recommend?
Dr. Chein: I would say around thirties. There’s a biblical, and biological reason for that: Basically God, or Buddha, or Allah, whatever you like to choose, protect us through the thirties for procreation. That’s our procreation period. Once we come through that period, in God’s eyes or Allah’s eyes or whatever, hey, leave your son to do that. You can go now. You’re more dispensable now.
Jeff Harrison: Okay.
Dr. Chein: Yeah. That’s why these things break up more often and things come out, problems come out more often as we “age,” so then you have to check more.
Jeff Harrison: Okay. If I wanted to come in to see you, and I wanted to have this blood test done, what would I say?
Dr. Chein: You would simply tell your doctor, “Look, I want to rule out CVD. I don’t have symptoms right now.” If you have symptoms, you’d better check every single category that I mentioned earlier … The causes. Okay? But if you don’t have any symptoms I want you to [go out there 00:04:02] each year; each year you pick a cause to rule out. Your doctor can live with that. If you suddenly come in with all those causes he’s going to say, “Which quack did you listen to?” Okay? He’s not going to confuse that. You just pick one cause so, of course, first year I’ll say: “Doc, I know you checked my cholesterol and LDL every year and they passed. Could you fractionate it this year?” See? This year, fractionate.
The next year you come in: “Doc, I want you to check to see if there’s any hidden inflammation in my body. Can you do some tests for me, such as CRP, such as heart rate?” You don’t have to say these things, but he knows. [inaudible 00:04:44] I don’t mean overt infection, because it’ll hurt me, I’ll know, I’ll tell you. “I want to check sub clinical infection. Can you do that with me?” And he’ll say, “Okay,” because that’s the only issue you raised.
The next year you go back. You say, “Hey, doc. This year, I haven’t checked it in my life but could you check my heavy metals? Could you just do my urine or my hair, whichever you believe in? My naturopath, my chiropractor believes in hair. I know you guys are MDs, traditional, [adlepath 00:05:19], don’t like hair now,” so say, “Well check my urine then.” They’ll know no different, or, “Check my blood for lead and mercury.” So you just bring that in; because you never had a check, you bring that in to check. Now you don’t have? You’re good for another ten years. See? You bring these things in one at a time.
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Jeff Harrison: Not overwhelming.
Dr. Chein: Not overwhelming. Not boom, boom, boom! You know? He’s not going to take that. In the following year: “Oh, doctor, I’m forty now. I’m pretty happy but do you think you can order a carotid ultrasound for me?”
Jeff Harrison: Now what does that do?
Dr. Chein: Carotid? And he’ll say, “Why do you think it …?” “Well my carotid could be ten percent plaque; Not enough to cause any symptoms but I’d like to know, doc. I’d like to know, and I don’t want it to go from ten to twenty percent obstruction. I know I will have a heart attack or stroke at ninety. Okay? I know that, but I want you … I haven’t done that before. Could you please do it for me, for my carotid ultrasound?” It’s harmless.