Hormone Therapy Patents Held By Dr. Chein
Dr. Chein holds patents for his discoveries in longevity and anti-aging procedure in the United States, British Commonwealth, and the People’s Republic of China.The U.S. Patent has been challenged in court and was reconfirmed and reissued by the Patent Office. Although physicians who cling to modalities have challenged his methods, Dr. Chein has been able to successfully defend his state-of-the-art, award-winning, proven results. Specific patents include Hormone Therapy Methods and Hormone Products for Abating Coronary Artery BlockageTotal Hormone Replacement Therapy and A Method of Hormone Treatment for Patients with Symptoms Consistent with Multiple Sclerosis. In the U.K. this Patent is titled Hormone Replacement Therapy Involving Human Growth Hormone.

U.S. Patent 6,187,750
Method of Hormone treatment for patients with symptoms consistent with Multiple Sclerosis

U.S. Patent 5,855,920
Total Hormone Replacement Therapy