About Us

Journal for Advancement in Medicine
Dr. Chein parlayed this discovery into a collaborative study with the Medical College of Wisconsin, where he tested 1000 human subjects and developed a Telomerase Activating Therapy which uses human growth hormones to activate the Telomere, halt and reverse the aging process. He was the first doctor in the United States to use Growth Hormone on adults clinically (not research), and to advocate balance of all bio-identical hormones that affect aging. Dr. Chein holds patents for his discovery in longevity and anti-aging procedures.
Read Dr. Chein’s scientific peer review article published in the Journal for Advancement in Medicine.

Dr. Edmund Chein, MD also holds a Juris Doctor degree and is a specialist in forensic medicine. Dr. Edmund Chein began research in DNA and hormones in 1990 when he discovered that telomeres found in DNA that control the human aging process is directly activated by bio-identical hormones in our bodies.
Your own body is the guide, and provides the tools we use for natural anti-aging and beauty, through hormone therapy and long-lasting facial rejuvenation utilizing stem cell therapy.
Anti-aging, patented treatment using bio-identical hormones, which is based on Nobel Prize-winning research, is available to you through the Palm Springs Life Extension Institute, serving patients since 1994.
Every year, hundreds of new patients come to the Institute from all over the world to consult with Dr. Chein. The physician with the largest clinical base of patients in bio-identical hormone supplementation therapy, Dr. Chein has now treated well over 10,000 patients.
Dr. Chein has appeared on numerous national television and radio shows and been covered in a number of national publications, including Newsweek, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, Marie Claire, People, and Dr. Spiegel magazine in Germany.
Research at PSLEI
Palm Springs Life Extension Institute also conducts research in glandular malfunctions caused by environmental poisons, including but not limited to mycotoxins, heavy metals, pesticides/insecticides, industrial solvents, plastics, GMO foods, and preservatives. These lead to diminished production of essential hormones in the body.
Our goal is to identify the offending agent and regenerate the organs that secrete the essential hormones with growth hormone, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, and various botanical, herbal, and bio-identical nutrients.
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