Atherosclerosis – CVD – Prevention Part 2

Dr_Edmund_CheinAtherosclerosis- CDV – Prevention Part 2


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Jeff Harrison: Again, we’re talking about the prevention of Atherosclerosis or CVD …
Dr. Chein:  Yes, Prevention.
Jeff Harrison: That we can talk through with our doctors help to prevent CVD.
Dr. Chein: Absolutely. It’s a preventable disease.
Jeff Harrison: You’ve covered some solutions we need to measure, are there any others that we need to measure?
Dr. Chein: Yeah. Another one would be the Cardiovascular Dynamic study. I love that test. Not all the doctors have it but most cardiologists have them.
Jeff Harrison: Now what is that, Cardio-Dynamics?
Dr. Chein: Basically it comes from … In my view, it should replace the EKG. The EKG only detects damaged heart.
Jeff Harrison: Because that’s what we’re used to hearing is … I’m going in for an EKG today.
Dr. Chein: And it’s okay.
Jeff Harrison: It’s really good.
Dr. Chein: I’m not happy. It only tells me you didn’t have a heart attack up to the time you did your EKG.
Jeff Harrison: So it tells the past.
Dr. Chein: What is there to celebrate about? What is there to be happy about? That’s when I hit back with my patients. What is there to celebrate about? It doesn’t tell me if the next moment you’re going to have a heart attack. It doesn’t even tell you that. The next question of the patient is, “Well doctor, what test does predict?”
Jeff Harrison: Yes.
Dr. Chein: Cardiovascular Dynamic studies.
Jeff Harrison: You have that here in the office?
Dr. Chein: We have and I think most cardiologists have that. That’s the test you have to ask, whether or not Medicare or Obamacare or Medical pays for it. Doesn’t matter. You want that test done.
Jeff Harrison: Understand, EKG is telling us the history of and cardio …
Dr. Chein: Damage.
Jeff Harrison: Damage right?
Dr. Chein: Already happened.
Jeff Harrison: If somebody’s had a heart attack five years ago, it’ll show up on in the EKG.
Dr. Chein: It’ll show up.
Jeff Harrison: But it still doesn’t predict that you could have a heart attack tomorrow.
Dr. Chein: Or as you walk in the doctor’s office.
Jeff Harrison: Or today.
Dr. Chein: Yeah.
Jeff Harrison: But the Cardio-Dynamic …
Dr. Chein: Study, predicts.
Jeff Harrison: Predicts it. How does it do that?
Dr. Chein: Because it shows vascular resistance, which means the load of your heart. How hard your heart is working to keep that pressure normal.
Jeff Harrison: Oh, okay.
Dr. Chein: They say when you have high blood pressure, doctors say, “Oh you’re going to have a heart attack.” That’s already pressure. It shows up in the pressure. Way before the pressure, the heart loses the ability to control the pressure, with the kidneys job. The kidney and the heart, by the way, both work to control pressure. Before they lose the ability to control that pressure, the resistance is already a problem. There’s a lot of homeless people already on the street obstructing traffic, which is blood flow. When they totally obstruct it it’s a heart attack or a stroke you see. That’s why. It doesn’t detect that.


Whereas a Cardiovascular Dynamic study shows how fast is traffic. How free is the freeway. If I got a freeway report, it says Highway 10 the freeway speed right now is 65 miles per hour, everything is moving at 65. Do you not worry about homeless people on the highway? Never, right?
Jeff Harrison: Right.
Dr. Chein: If I get a report and it says the traffic now on Highway 10 for the last seven days or seven weeks or seven months has been moving at 15 miles an hour without any traffic accident, oh why. What is causing the traffic to slow down? Homeless people tents on the side of the freeway or freeway construction. Same thing isn’t it? It’s all the yellow flags and red flags turning it into one lane.
Jeff Harrison: What you’re calling plaque?
Dr. Chein: Which I call plaque. It doesn’t matter whether it’s highway repair or it’s homeless people, it’s a tent.
Jeff Harrison: It’s slowing the traffic.
Dr. Chein: It’s slowing all the traffic.
Jeff Harrison: Okay, I got you. Those are the things that we want to measure.
Dr. Chein: Yeah.
Jeff Harrison: Have the Cardio-Dynamics machine predicting the future based on …
Dr. Chein: Exactly.
Jeff Harrison: The vascular tension?
Dr. Chein: Yeah. The resistance.
Jeff Harrison: The resistance, excuse me. How hard the liver?
Dr. Chein: Yeah.
Jeff Harrison: Or kidney and the …
Dr. Chein: The kidney and the heart is what controls the pressure. Just because you have a normal pressure does not at all mean your freeways are free.
Jeff Harrison: This has been amazing Dr. Chein because before we were talking about  CVD …
Dr. Chein: Yes CVD
Jeff Harrison: Arteriosclerosis and I don’t think a lot of people knew exactly where it was, but you talk about whose it most likely to affect. What are the causes. Now we talked about how can we prevent it. Sometimes you think, well it’s just the way it is. I just have to deal with it. But you’re saying, “Hey, there’s some things we can do to prevent it.” I’m looking forward in the next episode to talk about how do we treat this.
Dr. Chein: Right. Once you’ve got it, unfortunately, then how do you treat it, not control it. Not control it. That means you’ve got to say doctor, you say I have CVD right? Show me the EKG. Show me the coronary artery CT scan. Show me the blockage. Show me the block. I want to know the block or worse doing an angiogram. I don’t recommend that. I think it’s very invasive. You can do a CT angiogram without any … With the radiation as the only side effect, because the arterial angiogram is very invasive. I don’t recommend that.
Let’s say I have CVD now. I have in picture. Doc please give me a picture. That’s another problem with a lot of patients. I have it? Okay, thank you. Keep my records. Hey, the doctor can go bankrupt, the doctor can die, the doctor can move to the next town, you won’t be able to have a copy or they can lose it.
Jeff Harrison: I should take my copies home.
Dr. Chein: You own that. You pay for it.
Jeff Harrison: Paid for it.
Dr. Chein: Federal law and California State law, and I don’t know what State you live in, the audience, but every State law has a law that says you have the right to a copy of the test.
Jeff Harrison: Interesting. I never thought about asking my doctor, “Hey, can I have a copy of that test?”
Dr. Chein: I would like to …
Jeff Harrison: Interesting. I know when I came to you because I have to disclose here, I’m one of Dr. Chein’s patients, is you provided all that.
Dr. Chein: Automatically right?
Jeff Harrison: It was a little strange, because you gave me a thick copy. I’m like, now what do I do with it? I’ve never, ever gotten it.
Dr. Chein: That’s a bad … That’s what I need to teach the audience. Go home, get an 8 x 11 manila folder, this is the temple of Edmund Chein. Folder of temple. This is my temple. This is my palace, my kingdom. The DNA never existed in the history of the Universe. There was never a DNA of Edmund Chein. When I die, there won’t be another human being with my DNA. So I better treasure this as much as I treasure moon and star and the sun. It is equivalent. Just as important. A lot of people fail to realize that. You are a star. You need to have a folder of the star’s records.


If I die prematurely and I go in front of the Allah or Buddha or God and says why do you take me home so early? Buddha says, “Did you check your temple?” “No, no, no. I was feeling fine and I didn’t do anything and so then I went.” “See, that’s your fault. You didn’t check the temple, precious temple or star I created and you didn’t care. You didn’t treasure. You checked your car, how many times? Let’s count. Let’s go back. Oh, you check your car every year.”
Jeff Harrison: Change your oil every 3000 miles.
Dr. Chein: “You didn’t even check the temple that I gave you. That’s why you’re here. Go sit to Jesus’ left side or go down there, that way, get in the kitchen.”
Jeff Harrison: I know that people that are listening are going to want … Are saying hey you know what … Just like me, I said hey in the 50 years I’ve been on the planet, no doctor’s ever given me my records and you did. Now I find myself occasionally looking at that information. Now I know, hey I knew why my fingers are a little cool. Right. A little cold. Now that’s gone away, because you’ve effectively helped me with that. Other people are going to want to do the same thing. Share with us. You’re in Palm Springs, but I don’t have to be in Palm Springs to get your help.
Dr. Chein: No.
Jeff Harrison: What do you call that?
Dr. Chein: Tele-Medicine.
Jeff Harrison: Tele-Medicine. Tell us a little bit about that if you will.
Dr. Chein: Tele-Medicine basically is a law passed by California that allows California physicians to see you in Russia or Alaska. You don’t have to fly into Palm Springs to see me. All you have to do is find a doctor who is willing to satisfy the Tele-Medicine law and do the physical exam, for example. Then you can become my patient. I can have a Russian patient. Go to see the Russian doctor, do a physical exam, and then he can become my patient without ever flying into Palm Springs.
Jeff Harrison: Even if your local doctor wherever you’re at is saying, hey you know what, I don’t do or I don’t know how to do those particular tests.
Dr. Chein: Tests. I work with them.
Jeff Harrison: Dr. Chein will work with him and …
Dr. Chein: Yes.
Jeff Harrison: He’ll take care of that.
Dr. Chein: He just needs to find a more humble doctor, who is not threatened by Imaging. That’s all. That’s all. If he’s threatened, he’ll say who’s that crack that wants to do Tele-Medicine.
Jeff Harrison: Dr. Chein, in our next episode we’re going to talk about treatment.
Dr. Chein: Yes.
Jeff Harrison: I can’t wait to dive into that. I want to thank you for joining us. I’m Jeff Harrison.
Dr. Chein: Dr. Edmund Chein.
Jeff Harrison: For Living to 120 and Beyond.


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