Has Your Auditory Reaction Time Slowed, There Are Solutions


Jeff Harrison:                  Welcome to Living 120 beyond, I’m Jeff Harrison and I’m here with …

Dr. Chein:                  Dr. Edmund Chein.

Jeff Harrison:                  Dr. Chein, we have been covering things that we talk about for functionality to give people, really, let’s put it, a fuller, healthier life. Not necessarily, hey, I’m going to live longer but I’m going to live healthier and enjoy life to it’s fullest and have the functions that we’re looking for to when I’m 40 when I’m 60 or 80, yes?

Dr. Chein:                  Correct, to live to about the age of 80 and have the function of 40.

Jeff Harrison:                  Is even better.

Dr. Chein:                  That’s doable, that’s doable.

Jeff Harrison:                  Even better, I love that.

Dr. Chein:                  How do you know that? A test such as the age scan.

Jeff Harrison:                  Speaking of that this is the next level of tests. This is, as you said in the last one, is this is a lot more scientific, not that anything we haven’t done hasn’t been scientific, but this is really interesting. Tell us a little bit about what is the age scan test?

Dr. Chein:                  Okay, the age scan test, by definition, it tests your biological age with, we have two age, one is your birthdate, the other is your biological age. How old are you, defined by the scientists, in the scientists definition is compared to how old you actually are. You could be younger or you could be older than your body, chronological age.

The age scan take advantage of the scientific fact that there are 10 functions in the body that declines with age, no scientist in the world can dispute this. These 10 functions that I’m going to talk about decline with age, straight line down, okay? By measuring it in you we can compare to 1000 people which is what age scan prediction is based on, 1000 people, what your biological age is.

You can be chronologically 40 and you can do this test and I say, “Congratulations, you’re biologically 20.” Why? Why do you say Doctor I’m 25? Not 29? Because your data, this declining data, fit the 1000 20 year olds. You function just like those 20 year olds, not the 40 year olds.

Jeff Harrison:                  Excellent.

Dr. Chein:                  When you test out, when you are 40 and you came in and I test out to be 70. Why Doctor Chein did you 70 and not 65, or 62, or 60? Because your functions as measured by these scientific test measurements fit with 70 year olds, 1000 of them.

Jeff Harrison:                  Got you.

Dr. Chein:                  That’s where I place you so don’t be upset, you know, you can reverse it. You can change your functions. Either nutritionally or by training, exercise, and hormones, those replacements, you can change that so by next year if you’re 40 next year, you’re 60, if you are 70 today and the next year? 50 and the third year from now, we’ll celebrate, you are 40 and 40.

Jeff Harrison:                  Excellent.

Dr. Chein:                  You are what you are. This test tells you that. There is a biological age on the bottom it tells you that right out the computer and then there’s a chronological age that tells on this page right there.

Jeff Harrison:                  Okay.

Dr. Chein:                  Okay and here in this patient, we whited out there’s no patient name, this patient age here is 64 and you look at that here, 72 so this patient is older than his chronological age. There’s a problem.

Jeff Harrison:                  Or an opportunity.

Dr. Chein:                  Or an opportunity to correct it.

Jeff Harrison:                  Yeah.

Dr. Chein:                  You cannot correct what you don’t measure, that’s the key. You can not correct what you don’t measure. You don’t measure your biological age? You can’t correct it.

Jeff Harrison:                  Got it.

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah.

Jeff Harrison:                  Tell me something, let’s dive into this, you said there’s 10 tests.

Dr. Chein:                  Ten tests, yes.

Jeff Harrison:                  The first one is called auditory reaction time, take us down that and tell us what that test looks like and then what the … tell us a little bit about that.

Dr. Chein:                  Auditory reaction time is when you hear something and then you react to it. If my instruction to you say tap the table when I say go between the time you say go coming out of your mouth and you hear the sound of me tapping it, there’s a delay, okay, that delay goes through is what we call an auditory reaction time. Auditory, my ears have to hear it first, then I have to react to your command. You say raise, are we going this way? You say tap, this, so I can react to your command. It has to go through a neural process.

That process, on this part of the brain, because it’s my right hand, my left side of the brain says do that action, all of this in split seconds but there’s a delay and that delay gets longer and longer, longer, as a person ages. You get an 80 year old sitting right next to me and you give the same command you say tap the table … when I say go you tap the table, you say go, you can bet the second tap is the older guy because I’m younger. Follow?

Jeff Harrison:                  Yes, yes.

Dr. Chein:                  That reaction time is in split seconds, in this case, point two seconds, okay, varies tremendously by age. It goes down, down, down, down, down, down. Not up, never up. Never better. Okay, that’s why we can use it as a scientific measurement of biological age.

Jeff Harrison:                  This is auditory reaction time and this is, I think, you know, let’s think about where this would be important. Maybe haring a siren if you’re in your car?

Dr. Chein:                  Absolutely that’s why old people get in more accidents.

Jeff Harrison:                  Somebody hoking a horn because they’re …

Dr. Chein:                  Exactly, they can’t hear. Honking is assumed that the driver that you honk against heard it, no, he didn’t hear it.

Jeff Harrison:                  Got you.

Dr. Chein:                  Or, he heard it, he’s a 90 year old with perfect hearing, like a mouse, but his leg, [inaudible 00:06:49] …

Jeff Harrison:                  Too late.

Dr. Chein:                  Too late.

Jeff Harrison:                  Got you.

Dr. Chein:                  Bang!

Jeff Harrison:                  So that’s very important, I like that it’s on the very first one. It’s auditory reaction time.

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah, okay, okay, I got it, you honk at me, I got it … that is aging.

Jeff Harrison:                  Right.

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah.

Jeff Harrison:                  Okay, good.

Dr. Chein:                  That is aging.

Jeff Harrison:                  This is done through the age scan test? This is not something you can do, as we’ve seen in the past with dyno neurometer or doing this at home.

Dr. Chein:                  Yes.

Jeff Harrison:                  Okay, so spouses out there, if you’re spouse is reacting slowly to your command it could be their not selective hearing, it could be the fact they’re aging.

Dr. Chein:                  Exactly.

Jeff Harrison:                  If you have a question about that you’ll want to come see Dr. Chein. Dr. Chein what’s the best way for them to reach out to you?

Dr. Chein:                  760-327-8939 and my email edmundchein@yahoo.com.

Jeff Harrison:                  Great, well we’ll be back again because we have nine more tests we’re talking about and each one is very, very important.

Dr. Chein:                  Very.

Jeff Harrison:                  Important for one stacking upon another.

Dr. Chein:                  Yes.

Jeff Harrison:                  Okay, we’ll see you again next time. My name is Jeff Harrison.

Dr. Chein:                  Dr. Edmund Chein.

Jeff Harrison:                  For Living to 120 and Beyond.