Muscle Movement – What Does it Tell Us About Aging

Jeff Harrison: So in this case, Dr. Chen, we’re talking about another one. The last one we talked about visual reaction time. Now we’re talking about muscle movement time.

Dr. Chein: Yeah. Not to confuse with muscle strength which we talked about earlier, dynamometer. Muscle movement is coordination. It involves the nerve now. Okay? The task actually is … As you get older …

Jeff Harrison: Oh.

Dr. Chein: Faster. … That’s as fast as can do.

Jeff Harrison: Oh. Got you.

Dr. Chein: Age. The younger they are … That’s the muscle movement time.

Jeff Harrison: So pretty simple. Straight away.

Dr. Chein: Very straight forward. It’s a combination of muscle and nerves. It determines your biological age. The older you are, the slower you are. After you perform that, again, the computer fits you with that thousand people, whoever that was, and then tells you your biological age is that by this test.

Jeff Harrison: So we can start seeing that in, let’s say, normal day-to-day functions with not getting the timer turned off fast enough, getting something off the stove before it burns, turning the water off before it flows into the floor because of it’s overfilled.

Dr. Chein: Any type of accident would have to do with movement.

Jeff Harrison: Okay.

Dr. Chein: Muscle movement, because an accident gives you either some kind of signal, either visual, auditory or step into the hole. The next thing that takes over is your muscle movement to get out of it. That’s our instinctual avoidance of danger. When your defective with that, you go right into the danger because you can’t get out.

Jeff Harrison: Is that something that, again, this doesn’t just go with what we do with our hands, but also the tripping. Instead of tripping and recovering, there’s tripping and falling.

Dr. Chein: Absolutely. Tripping and falling.

Jeff Harrison: Because your muscle reaction time is moving slow, so you can’t get your feet underneath you.

Dr. Chein: Exactly.

Jeff Harrison: Okay, great.

Dr. Chein: You see people trip and never fall. Some people you see, “Oh, oh” but they didn’t fall.

Jeff Harrison: Yeah.

Dr. Chein: Because they have a fast muscle movement time.

muscle-movement Dr Chein

Jeff Harrison: Again, these kind of things, can they be reversed? Can they be improved if we see, let’s say you do this in this particular patient, 64 but really their biological age is 72. So you can say that in that specific thing, if there’s no nerve damage, no damage, it’s just aging, can it be turned around?

Dr. Chein: Absolutely, it can be turned around. Even when there’s nerve damage, it can be turned around.

Jeff Harrison: Oh really? Okay. All right.

Dr. Chein: Yes.

Jeff Harrison: Very good. Anything else you’d like to talk about when it comes to muscle movement time?

Dr. Chein: That’s about it.

Jeff Harrison: Perfect.  Well, Dr. Chein, thanks for joining us. Again people, if you have a loved one or you yourself notice that your reaction time- muscle movement reaction time, has started to slow down, time to reach out to Dr. Chein. Don’t take any time, do it now, reach out to Dr. Chein? What’s your phone number, Dr. Chein?

Dr. Chein: 760-327-8939 or email me,

Jeff Harrison: Perfect. Thanks for joining us. I’m Jeff Harrison.

Dr. Chein: Dr. Edmund Chein.

Jeff Harrison: For another episode of Living to 120 and Beyond.

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Do you live in the Palm Springs Area?  If so and you would like to take advantage of the H-Scan Test, which measures your age based on function, click here now to learn more and make an appointment. (no obligation and the test and appointment are FREE)