Your Optimum Health How To Determine if Your in Optimum Health Episode 2


Jeff Harrison:                  Well welcome back to Your Optimal Health. I’m Jeff Harrison. I’m here with Dr. Edmund Chein. Dr. Chein, welcome back.

Dr. Chein:                  Hello, thank you.

Jeff Harrison:                  Hey last week, we talked about, what is optimal health? In a [breal 00:00:14] brief recap, give us your … In case most people watching didn’t get it, tell us what optimal health means, just in a real brief recap.

Dr. Chein:                  Optimum health, to me, would mean that a person has the mental function, physical function and, hopefully, hormonal levels of a 20 year old because 20 year olds are optimum. That’s why their armed services want them. If you’re 30, they don’t want you. Why don’t they want you? Because at 30, you’re not optimal.

Jeff Harrison:                  I see.

Dr. Chein:                  We have the physical and mental functions and the hormone levels of a body should be a 20-year-old level.

Jeff Harrison:                  We talked about last week that that’s something that you can discover because I can’t wake up one morning and say, “You know, I feel like a 20-year-old.” There’s some days we all wake up, Dr. Chein, and we say, “Gah, I feel like I did when I was 20 years younger,” but it doesn’t seem to stay there. It’s not just a feeling, is it? It’s more of a-

Dr. Chein:                  No.

Jeff Harrison:                  … biological level, isn’t it?

Dr. Chein:                  Feeling is very deceptive. People can feel very good until they get that they pronounce that they have cancer, so feeling’s deceptive. There’s a good saying that you cannot improve or maintain what you don’t measure. If you don’t measure, you cannot improve it or maintain it.

Jeff Harrison:                  What-

Dr. Chein:                  Because you’re dropping down, and you don’t know.

Jeff Harrison:                  Yeah, it almost say like if we’re working in Palm Springs, and we said, “We’re going to go from here to Phoenix, and our gas gauge doesn’t work,” right?

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah, that’s right.

Jeff Harrison:                  We only think we have enough fuel, right?

Dr. Chein:                  Right.

Jeff Harrison:                  We may run out somewhere between Blythe and Phoenix, which is not a good place to run out of gas.

Dr. Chein:                  Exactly.

Jeff Harrison:                  You’re saying, “Hey, measure before you take off to have full tank, and then monitor it as you’re going through.”

Dr. Chein:                  Right.

Jeff Harrison:                  Really that breaks us up to today is how do we know when we are not at optimal health if we’re saying, “Hey, it shouldn’t be something we feel?” Give an example, a specific example, a dear friend of mine, unfortunately, was diagnosed with uterine cancer, and she had to have a complete hysterectomy.

By the time it was caught, it was already stage 3. Now, she’s doing well. They’ve taken care of it and what not, but as I read up on that, that’s kind of common because there’s not an outward sign. I want to know from you today and share with the audiences, how do we, as you say, measure so we can keep on top of that? What would you suggest so we’re not basing it on feelings?

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah. A good test, which is absolutely free in our office is the age scan because the age scan tests all your functions that decline with age. It’s free, so you can do that and find out, “Oh, say last year I had this score, and this year, I’m less. Why?” There’s a reason to start asking yourself, “Well, why?” Notice that, “Oh, I thought I’m fine, but I’m not as [inaudible 00:03:23] by this test.”

For example, I have a patient yesterday who tested out his memory five years ago as good being able to reverse big numbers. Random numbers, he can reverse them, eight numbers. That was very average, very good, and over the five years, he’s been just having a good time, and he says, “I’m fine. Thank you Dr. Chein for for keeping me alive.” I said, “No, you should check You should check.” “Okay, okay, I’ll check,” and he came five years later, being on my program. I said, “Do the age scan, please, so I can see if you are the same, better, I hope, or worse. We have to find out why.” He did it. He was only able to reverse five numbers.

Jeff Harrison:                  Oh, boy.

Dr. Chein:                  Here is the memory, the brain that tells you you’re good or not good. That machine is going away, so how are you going to know? He cannot know. He cannot know he’s getting senile. He cannot know that he’s losing his memory. Let’s test it. When that test came back showing five, five now, he says, “Really, I think my memory is lapsing.”

Jeff Harrison:                  Ah, interesting.

Dr. Chein:                  Well, why? There we go, so we started investigation, doing tests and all that and try to build it back. The thing is now, we can build back our memory. We can cure Alzheimer’s. Dr. Bredesen at UCLA showed that, and many, many clinicians have found following his formula, we can reverse Alzheimer’s and senile dementia if we intervene early and intervene completely, thoroughly.

Checking is very important, coming back to checking, checking functions, checking your hormones, which doctors don’t check. If they check chemistry and CBC, you won’t find cancer until you have cancer that’s damaged your organs. That’s the time your chemistry will go out. Another test that I think should be part of a annual checkup is the cancer test.

You can do the whole CA. There are a bunch of tests, a couple of blood tests called CA 125, CA 250, CA … They all start with CA, meaning cancer antigen. These are antigen, proteins made by cancers when they are cancerous but haven’t invaded you yet. You can do a panel of CA tests and find out, “Oh, it’s abnormal. Let’s find out what it is.” The test that does tell you abnormal and where it is is the ONCOblot test, cancer screening test that tells you where it is. You don’t even have to do a PET scan, which is only positive when you have a millimeter, okay.

Jeff Harrison:                  It’s already been growing.

Dr. Chein:                  You have to have a millimeter in size before the PET scan can detect it, and the number of years from a cancerous cell, cell, one cell to one millimeter, five years. It takes five years to grow from one cell to one millimeter. You have that much time to reverse that, to cure it.

Jeff Harrison:                  Wow.

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah, so it’s cancer test is something that one should do every 10 years.

Jeff Harrison:                  That’s was my next question, like how often should something like that happen? We’ve heard of people that they come in and that cancer has spread very quickly in their body. Is this because they had no … Did a baseline at any point?

Dr. Chein:                  Did not check. Did not check. They never bothered to check. Always feeling, “I’m lucky. I’m fine. I’m good. Why look for problems?” Well, you don’t look for problems. Problem looks for you, and when they come to you, it may be too late to deal with.

Jeff Harrison:                  It reminds me of that story that people paint their house before it needs to be painted so it always looks good. Instead of waiting till the paint is peeling off, and then it’s an expensive fix because there’s maybe rot or whatever it may be. Where would somebody start with the testing? You said the first thing is to do is to say, “Come in for an age scan test,” right?

Dr. Chein:                  Function.

Jeff Harrison:                  And for function because that tells you, “Hey, is your body aging, and you’re no longer functioning at that level you thought you were,” right?

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah.

Jeff Harrison:                  When I first came in and did that in November of 2015, I went through that, and I tested out pretty well, but then my hormone levels weren’t so good.

Dr. Chein:                  Yes.

Jeff Harrison:                  We’ve been working on that, and now everything is much, much better. The last time we tested, I’m like, I think it was either 10 or 12 years younger now than my chronological age.

Dr. Chein:                  [inaudible 00:08:04].

Jeff Harrison:                  It was able to reverse those kind of things, but okay, so we start with the age scan test. Then you say the CA tests?

Dr. Chein:                  The blood tests for cancer are called CAs. They’re routine. You can do it anywhere. LabCorp, any laboratory will do that, cancer panel. Then there’s the specific test, the only one the existing tells you where it is located once it’s positive, and that’s the ONCOblot. I would do that every 10 years.

I would do the hormones like we did it for you as every two years check, as a baseline. Check at the baseline, and then, if it’s good, every two years hormone, every five years, 10 years, cancer screening and function and the function test, which is free in our office.

Jeff Harrison:                  Other than that, there’s not these outwardly signs necessarily that are going to say, “Hey, I’m no longer of optimum health” because it’s almost like this. Tell me if this is going down the right path is let’s say for instance I would start noticing, let’s say, some joint pain or whatever.

I don’t know anything about it. I just work. I’m a guy. I work through it, and then a year from now, I notice that, boy, I must have arthritis. I come to you, and you said, “Jeff, you have arthritis in your wrist” or whatever it may be, but if I’d come to you before when it first showed up, we probably could have-

Dr. Chein:                  Absolutely.

Jeff Harrison:                  … could have changed the results, right?

Dr. Chein:                  Could have cured it.

Jeff Harrison:                  Yeah, could have-

Dr. Chein:                  Could [inaudible 00:09:30] cured.

Jeff Harrison:                  I love that, the word cure.

Dr. Chein:                  Cure.

Jeff Harrison:                  You’re not treating it, right?

Dr. Chein:                  No, because I’m going to start asking some challenging questions when you first visit me. Why your right wrist? Why not left wrist? Why not your shoulder? Why not your elbow? Why not your knees? Your knees are the most weight-bearing of all joints. How come it didn’t happen there? If you can answer me those questions, then you’re okay.

If I’m [inaudible 00:09:57], the answer is certainly it’s called arthritis. You think it’s arthritis, but it’s not arthritis in the layman’s understanding of it, meaning wear and tear. No, it was not. It was a septic arthritis. It is a poison, toxin coming from somewhere in, seeded in your joint that unfortunate right wrist got the pain.

Jeff Harrison:                  Ah, I got you.

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah.

Jeff Harrison:                  That makes sense.

Dr. Chein:                  If it’s unfortunately the left shoulder, unfortunately the right knee, then it’s that joint. When you come to me with the right knee pain, then I’m going to ask you, “Why not the left knee? What’s going on? How come both knees bear the same weight, and the arthritis, your arthritis, doesn’t happen in the left?” Okay? By asking you, then I’m going to force you to take that position, “Yeah, it’s not wear and tear.” It isn’t. It’s not wear and tear. Let’s find out what it is.

Jeff Harrison:                  You’re saying, “Hey, if one joint, in this case, let’s say the knees or the hips. They should wear out evenly.

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah.

Jeff Harrison:                  If they’re not, then it’s, as you say, it’s septic.

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah.

Jeff Harrison:                  It’s not arthritis. It’s specifically, “Hey, there’s something different going on.”

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah, there’s a inflammation of the joint, but it’s not the layman’s understanding of arthritis.

Jeff Harrison:                  Excellent.

Dr. Chein:                  Then and if you say, “Well, what’s the number one diagnosis in your mind?” Gut.

Jeff Harrison:                  Oh, really?

Dr. Chein:                  Usually. Usually infection, inflammation from the gut gets seeded into the blood and travels to the joint, and that unlucky joint gets the arthritis or inflammation and causes the pain. That is your sign. That your sign to treat your gut actually.

Jeff Harrison:                  Instead of me saying, “Okay, well, you know, I’m just going to put some more, you know, ointment on it like BENGAY or something.”

Dr. Chein:                  Exactly.

Jeff Harrison:                  I’m cutting off a leaf at the end of the branch when it really isn’t a [crosstalk 00:11:53].

Dr. Chein:                  Or take glucosamine. That’s a popular thing to take, or aspirin. Hey, that’s free. That’s cheap. I take glucosamine. I’ll take … You are ignoring the cause, and that leaky gut, that inflammation, that infection is going to go more and more and more and cause autoimmune diseases.

Jeff Harrison:                  Well, you bring up leaky gut, and that’s really the topic of next week’s conversation. We want to talk a little bit more about the science of that because it has become more on the tip of more physicians, more people’s tongue of it all starts in our gut.

Dr. Chein:                  Yes.

Jeff Harrison:                  I want to talk about it because we’re talking about your optimal health, or optimum health, so we’re talking about, hey, first of all, what it is. How do we measure it? How do we tell if we’re of optimum health. Well, you’re probably not going to tell right off the bat just by waking up and say, “Yep, I feel like optimum health today.”

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah.

Jeff Harrison:                  It’s coming in and getting a baseline and then do it every so often, like you said, the age scan, once every five years?

Dr. Chein:                  Five years.

Jeff Harrison:                  Then the other test, once every 10?

Dr. Chein:                  Blood test and hormone every two years.

Jeff Harrison:                  Every two years, okay.

Dr. Chein:                  Cancer screening blood test every 10 years.

Jeff Harrison:                  It’s almost like, “Hey, I’m an automobile. I need to change, rotate the tires at 7,500 miles if I want it to perform well at optimum health.

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah. Like the AMA and Institute of Health, natural diseases. They also recommend people over 60 do a colonoscopy, okay? They say colonoscopy every five years. Wait a minute, when my patient says, “Doc, should I do a colonoscopy?” I say, “You going to trust the absence or presence of a cancer of your intestine in a doctor’s eyes, eyeballs? If he sees it, you have it? If you have it, he didn’t see it, you didn’t have it? You’re going to trust that? Where’s your IQ?”

Jeff Harrison:                  Yeah.

Dr. Chein:                  No.

Jeff Harrison:                  You want data.

Dr. Chein:                  I want blood tests. Blood tests will tell me yes and no, no matter how smart it is in a case of ONCOblot, in less than one millimeter. You think your doctor’s eyes going to see a cancer’s less than one millimeter? No, he’s got to be God, God’s eyes.

Jeff Harrison:                  Interesting.

Dr. Chein:                  Dumb, I say. Dumb. The fact that the advice is there to tell you to check every five years with a stupid doctor’s eyes. That means you should be more aggressive than that. You should use methods more scientific than that, and you should be more aggressive than that.

Jeff Harrison:                  We talk about technology changing very rapidly, but really, science when it comes to medicine is changing quite rapidly too, is it not?

Dr. Chein:                  Very, very, very rapidly.

Jeff Harrison:                  First of all, taking people back, if you don’t know Dr. Chein’s story real briefly, you’re the guy that made it where we can have hormone replacements. We can get our hormone levels normal because there was a point where we couldn’t take growth hormone unless we were under the age of what, 18?

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah.

Jeff Harrison:                  And we had some kind of-

Dr. Chein:                  Growth, especially growth hormone, and then testosterone, the LA Times want to write you up. If you use testosterone, The LA Times is going to write you up, says, “Oh, he’s like which athlete’s abusing testosterone.”

Jeff Harrison:                  Right.

Dr. Chein:                  That was the concept years, 10, 20 years ago. Terrible. Women can replace estrogen when they get menopause. Nobody in The LA Times is not going to write about them. Women athlete replacing estrogen, The LA Times is not going to write about them, okay, but if you’re an athlete, and you’re a man, and you’re low on testosterone, which is the same disease … [inaudible 00:15:22] andropause, they write you up.

Jeff Harrison:                  Yeah.

Dr. Chein:                  They say you’re abusing testosterone. Terrible, terrible.

Jeff Harrison:                  Well, Dr. Chein, again, we’re here, and we’re talking about Your Optimum Health , and we’re going to take one little topic at a time. Next week, please join us as we talk about your gut health and how that affects your entire body. It’s almost like that’s that big censor, like that’s that warning light that comes on on your dash, and now you have to figure out what it’s connected to, right?

Dr. Chein:                  Yes. Correct.

Jeff Harrison:                  Dr. Chein, any other little bit of advice before we sign off today about making sure you can check, get some data to make sure you’re staying in optimum health ?

Dr. Chein:                  My advice is don’t trust your feeling. Measure.

Jeff Harrison:                  I love.

Dr. Chein:                  Don’t trust that you’ve got a full tank before you go to Arizona.

Jeff Harrison:                  I love [crosstalk 00:16:09].

Dr. Chein:                  Look at the meter. Look at it before you take off.

Jeff Harrison:                  Now, Dr. Chein, you did mention that you do offer the age scan test.

Dr. Chein:                  Yes.

Jeff Harrison:                  You also, obviously, do the hormone test, things like that. How does someone get a hold of you to do that?

Dr. Chein:                  Call the office, especially if you’re local or in LA area. 760 333-228. No, I’m sorry, 760 327-8939.

Jeff Harrison:                  Yeah, and I think we have that information on the screen now, so just follow that.

Dr. Chein:                  Just say, “I want to make an appointment.” It’s free, or if you’re from out of state, then if you have a conference here in LA or a meeting in LA, drop by. It’s only an hour and a half from LA. Call ahead of time. Say, “I want to … I have a conference. When the conference ends, I will come to do a test” or conference before it starts. Come and do the test. It’s all free.

Jeff Harrison:                  Now, your office here in Palm Springs is called Palm Springs Life Institute or excuse me.

Dr. Chein:                  Life Extension.

Jeff Harrison:                  Life Extension Institute. Tell us where you’re located.

Dr. Chein:                  2825 Tahquitz Canyon Way, Building A, B and C, Palm Springs, California 92262.

Jeff Harrison:                  Great.

Dr. Chein:                  Yeah, we’ve got all those three buildings.

Jeff Harrison:                  Make sure to join us next week again as we talk about your gut.

Dr. Chein:                  Yes, it’s an important topic.

Jeff Harrison:                  Incredibly important, so join us next week. I’m Jeff Harrison.

Dr. Chein:                  Dr. Edmund Chein.

Jeff Harrison:                  We’ll see you next week on Your Optimum Health .