Vibrotactile Sensitivity Test – A Telling Signal To Early Signs of Aging

Vibrotactile Sensitivity Test – A Telling Signal To Early Signs of Aging

Jeff Harrison: Welcome back. Dr. Chein, you’re talking about it’s called, this next one is, vibrotactile sensitivity test.

Dr. Chein: Test.

Jeff Harrison: Test. I’m not going to say that again. Let’s call it the Vibrotactile Sensitivity Test

Dr. Chein: Yes.

Jeff Harrison: Okay. Tell us about that one.

Dr. Chein: Okay. Our ability to detect vibration deteriorates with age. Proof, when an earthquake happens, the youngest ones are the first ones to detect it and to run out of the house screaming, yelling. The oldest one is the last one to say, “Why are you running? Oh, now I feel it. Now I feel the earth is shaking.”

Jeff Harrison: Okay.

Dr. Chein: Okay. Animals, insects, even before it happens, they run out of their caves, run out of their holes. Why? They’re vibrotactile sense are much more sensitive than we are, than dogs and cats.

Jeff Harrison: Besides the whole idea of an earthquake, god forbid, what other reasons would that be so important not to lose that sensitivity. What are things can you think of that that’s important to have?

Dr. Chein: You’re cellphone. When you shut it off and it says on vibration. Why? It alerts you that you’ve got a phone call but I’m not beeping you but it’s there.

Jeff Harrison: I wouldn’t even feel it in my pocket.

Dr. Chein: Wouldn’t even feel it.

Jeff Harrison: Okay.

Dr. Chein:  vibration.

Jeff Harrison: All right.

Vibrotactile Sensitivity Test

Dr. Chein: The deterioration, the loss of vibration, tells me there are problems in your vibratory nerves. There are specific nerves in our body that detect pain, that’s a different nerve fiber, the movement, motor nerves, and the nerves that detect vibration are totally different. It tells me that your vibrations, and they’re the first ones to go, by the way, sensory and vibration, for example, diabetes. There’s this thing called diabetic neuropathy. You’ve probably heard of that.

Jeff Harrison: Sure, sure.

Dr. Chein: The diabetic neuropathy, the first things to lose are sensory and vibration and not motor. The last thing you hear with a diabetic patient, ” I can’t move.” You don’t hear that, never, before they die. They can still move around.

Jeff Harrison: They lose feeling in their feet.

Dr. Chein: They lose their feeling and they burn themselves.

Jeff Harrison: Yeah.

Dr. Chein: They put on a hot pan, the waters too hot, whatever. They burn themselves without knowing it. [crosstalk 00:02:38]

Jeff Harrison: That still falls into that vibratory?

Dr. Chein: Yes.

Jeff Harrison: Okay.

Dr. Chein: Sensory and vibration goes down with age and if they are prematurely damaged medical problems.

Jeff Harrison: I haven’t asked you this for the last few episodes, if we’re talking about this and I’m starting to lose that sensitivity, is that something if it’s not damaged with your help can that be reversed or better?

Dr. Chein: Absolutely. Peripheral neuropathy can be cured. That’s called peripheral neuropathy, by the way. It’s a type of nerve. Anything out of the spinal cord is called peripheral. Any spinal cord and above it’s called central. Any peripheral neuropathy, meaning disease of the nerve …

Jeff Harrison: Can be cured.

Dr. Chein: Most of them can be cured with simply nutritions.

Jeff Harrison: Okay.

Dr. Chein: Not drugs. Definitely not drugs. In fact, drugs control the system but doesn’t cure the disease. It’s nutrition that cures.

Jeff Harrison: We’ve established that a long time ago that you’re focus is not to control but to cure.

Dr. Chein: Correct.

Jeff Harrison: Okay, great. This is called vibrotactile sensitivity test.

Dr. Chein: Vibrotactile test, the thing vibrates. It’s like a cell phone and it vibrates. It vibrates in the beginning very large amplitude and it gets smaller, smaller, smaller amplitude to the end where is it vibrating? Is it vibrating?  Yes it is. You can’t detect it and that’s you’re cut off. The more sensitive you are, the younger you are. The older you are, the less sensitive you are.

Jeff Harrison: It needs to be a big earthquake for you to feel it.

Dr. Chein: Exactly. When you fail those tests, it puts you into the old man category.

Jeff Harrison: It sounds like that’s something that you could almost become unaware that you’re losing that sensitivity.

Dr. Chein: Absolutely. This is something you could be suffering from and not know, easily.

Jeff Harrison: Yeah.

Dr. Chein: Hearing, you have your wife screaming at you.

Jeff Harrison: Yes.

Dr. Chein: Nobody screams at you when you can’t hear the vibration.

Jeff Harrison: Yeah, yeah. Dr. Chein, again, thank you so much for this. You say it again. It’s called what?

Dr. Chein: Vibration or vibrotactile test.

Jeff Harrison: Sensitivity test. Great, great. If somebody had questions about that, how would they get a hold of you?

Dr. Chein: Email me at or call the office, 760-327-8939.

Jeff Harrison: Fantastic and thank you for joining us for another episode. We’re going to continue down this road. A lot more tests. I think we have about five more tests that we want to go through with this on the eight scan test report. I’m Jeff Harrison.

Dr. Chein: Dr. Edmund Chein.

Jeff Harrison: For Living to 120 and Beyond.