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Telomere length test

A special and exciting message from Dr. Chein on being biologically 33 years old on the telomere length test and chronologically 61 years old.

These unretouched photographs of Palm Springs Life Extension Institute patients show the rejuvenating effects of Hormone Balancing Therapy.


  • Increased muscle
  • Decreased fat
  • More defined waistline
  • Hair fuller and thicker
  • Re-growth of body hair
  • Reduced wrinkles


  • Increased muscle
  • Decreased fat
  • More defined waistline
  • Decreased cellulite
  • Flatter stomach
  • Firmer thighs
  • Firmer arms, and underarms
  • Reduced wrinkles


  • Increased muscle
  • Decreased fat
  • More defined waistline
  • Reduced wrinkles
  • Better Lifestyle


  • Increased muscle
  • Decreased fat
  • More defined waistline
  • Reduced wrinkles
  • Better Lifestyle


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